The Baton Rouge Bar Association offers more than 75 hours of CLE each year in a variety of practice areas. By earning your CLE locally, BRBA members have the opportunity to network with local attorneys and judges while receiving discounted rates on the cost of the seminar.  

Click here to see a listing of all available CLE seminar materials. 


Please contact Ann K. Gregorie or Kelsie Bourgeois at 225-344-4803 with questions regarding upcoming CLE seminars.


Women's Initiative Network "Negotiation Ethics and Professionalism" CLE Seminar | November 2, 2017 | 2.0 hours of CLE | Speakers: Zelma Frederick,  
Rachal Cox, Kieffer Petree and Melissa Grand |7:00 AM - 9:30 AM | McGlinchey Stafford, 14th Fl, Louisiana Conference Room
Click here to register (PDF) 
Click here to register online and pay by credit card.

Workers' Compensation Section Meeting & CLE | November 7, 2017 | 3.0 hours of CLE | Speakers: Matt Tierney, Ted Williams, Brian Blackwood, Scott Sonnier, 
Heidel Schneider and Annabelle Manning |11:45 AM - 4:30 PM | Location: Sullivan's Restaurant, 5252 Corporate Blvd.
 | Click here to register (PDF)
Click here to register online and pay by credit card. 

CLE by the Hour | Dec 7, 8, 14, 15, 28 and 29, 2017 | Location: Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel | 7000 Bluebonnet Blvd | Click here to register (PDF)

2017 Family Law Section CLE's 

|November 16, 2017 | 1.0 hour of CLE | Confidentiality, Client Data and Technology | Speaker: Lauren Godshall
| 12 - 2 PM | 
Beausoleil, 7731 Jefferson Hwy. Click here to register (PDF) 
Click here to register online and pay by credit card.

|December 7, 2017 | CHRISTMAS PARTY-FLS